The Japan Society of Hawke’s Bay is support the businesses listed in our business directory.
Below are companies with a connection to Japanese in Hawke’s Bay.
CJ Asian Napier
Asian Diner
Origami Napier
Piku Restaurant & Cocktail Bar
Budousenshin 葡萄専心 (grapes)
Hiro Sweet pea flowers – 06 876 7454
Napier Boys’ High School, Mr R. Arrell
Tamatea High School, Mrs C. Brownlee
Hastings Boys’ High School, Mr A. Natomi
Havelock North High School, Mr S. Lowry
Karamu High School, Mr S. Glasier
Keiko Dancing – Kinuko Iko
Aozora Sushi
Tumeke Don
St Pierre’s Sushi + Bento Bowl Hastings
St Pierre’s Sushi Onekawa
Mangapapa Hotel
Great Big Pictures
Lei Tanabe – | 021 161 5165